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Benefits of trading cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies offer the same opportunities such as *_buying and selling. Cryptos can be traded just like other financial assets. According to Wikipedia, cryptocurrency is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it. So what are the main benefits of trading Cryptocurrencies?

The crypto industry offers several benefits, including lightning-fast transactions and low transaction fees, and more individuals and traders are joining every day, and with good reason.

Just as traditional currencies are at par with inflation, you can equally trade by monitoring the movement of prices of the various cryptocurrencies (using the Mybitstore app).

Cryptocurrencies are categorized as digital currencies, alternative currencies, and virtual currencies. Initially, they were designed to provide an alternative means of payment for online transactions and businesses.


Benefits of Trading Cryptocurrencies

Below are some benefits of trading Cryptocurrencies


One of the prior benefits of Trading cryptos is, It offers traders the opportunity to stay anonymous with their transactions. Transactions are tied to a random sequence of characters and not to the owner’s identity, including personal or company data. It is therefore impossible to link any form of transaction to people or companies.

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2-No intermediary or supervisory bodies

The absence of governmental control and regulations eliminates fees and restrictions that could be disadvantageous for users. The flow of cryptocurrency transactions is unregulated by authorities or financial institutions. This limits unfavorable fees and restrictions. However, cryptocurrency owners do not benefit from the protection of financial authorities.

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Cryptocurrencies can be stored in special virtual wallets, secured with a private key. This means that only the holder has access to the accumulated funds. To increase security, virtual currency owners should incorporate encryption technology on their storage devices.

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4-No centralization

There are no authorities controlling cryptocurrency flow or quotations. Virtual currency trading is not located in one single place. This prevents trading disruptions after hacking attempts. Transaction data is dispersed across the network as it is stored directly by cryptocurrency holders.

5-Sending cryptocurrencies

The method of cryptocurrency transmission differs significantly from that of traditional currencies. The institutional model relies on banking systems, e.g. incoming and outgoing sessions in the recipient and sender countries. Virtual currency transfers are independent of the user’s location and the process is almost immediate.

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6-Irreversible transactions

Due to the lack of institutional supervision over the virtual currency market commissioned transactions cannot be reversed. If an error occurs, for example, incorrect recipient details, no organization can help with the mistake.

7-Fast development

Holders can use their cryptocurrencies through rapidly developing tools and services. Converting and exchanging cryptocurrencies into dollars, euros, cash, or Mobile money is now possible. These currencies can be funded directly from the cryptocurrency wallet through solutions that enable conversion and exchange.

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